Upload Audience File
PS: You need to use Token. For more details, please checkToken
Initiate a pre-signed request to obtain pre-signed information for uploading files.
Based on the pre-signed information, upload the audience package file.
File requirements:
Supported formats include txt, csv, gz (where files inside gz are either txt or csv, i.e., .txt.gz or .csv.gz).
Maximum file size limit is 5GB.
Request address
Request method
Request example
GET /api/open/v1/audience/presigned-upload-data?area_type=1&file_name=test.txt&file_md5=1ceada6012b007afb4b0a29984660ad0 HTTP/1.1
Host: ss-api.mintegral.com
Request Parameter
Fields | Type | Explanations | Default Value | Value Examples |
area_type | int | Data Cluster 1:Outside Mainland of China, 2:Mainland of China | -- | 1 |
file_name | string | file name | -- | test.txt |
file_md5 | string | file MD5 | -- | 1ceada6012b007afb4b0a29984660ad0 |
Response (area_type=1)
Fields | Type | Explanations |
code | int | 200 code, is success. Others, are fail. |
msg | string | If success, return to “success”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
data | json | If success, return to “success”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
area_type | int | Data cluster 1: Non-mainland China area, 2: Mainland China area |
file_name | int | File name |
file_md5 | int | File MD5 |
ttl | int | Time-to-live (in seconds) |
method | json | Request method for uploading files to S3 |
url | string | Request URL for uploading files to S3 |
data_path | string | Full path for uploading files to S3, used for Creating Audience |
Response Example (area_type=1)
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"area_type": 1,
"file_name": "audience_file.txt",
"file_md5": "1ceada6012b007afb4b0a29984660ad0",
"ttl": 300,
"s3": {
"method": "{data.s3.method}",
"url": "{data.s3.url}",
"data_path": "{data.s3.path}"
Upload File Example (area_type=1)
curl -X {data.s3.method} -T "{path_to_file}" "{data.s3.url}"
For example:
The pre-signed information returned by the pre-signed request interface.
{data.s3.method} = PUT
{data.s3.url} = https://upload.s3.amazonaws.com?abc=123
{data.s3.path} = s3://s3/path/to/file
Your file path
{path_to_file} = /path/to/file
curl -X PUT -T "/path/to/file" "https://upload.s3.amazonaws.com?abc=123"
After successful upload, use {data.s3.data_path} for Creating Audience.
Response (area_type=2)
Fields | Type | Explanations |
code | int | 200 code, is success. Others, are fail. |
msg | string | If success, return to “success”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
data | json | If success, return to “success”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
area_type | int | Data cluster 1: Non-mainland China area, 2: Mainland China area |
file_name | int | File name |
file_md5 | int | File MD5 |
ttl | int | Time-to-live (in seconds) |
oss | json | Pre-signed information for uploading files to OSS |
method | string | Request method for uploading files to OSS |
accessid | string | Access ID for uploading files to OSS |
host | string | Request address for uploading files to OSS |
expire | int | Signature expiration time for uploading files to OSS (timestamp) |
signature | string | Signature for uploading files to OSS |
policy | string | Policy for uploading files to OSS |
dir | string | Key for uploading files to OSS |
data_path | string | Full path for uploading files to OSS, used for Creating Audience |
Response Example (area_type=2)
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"area_type": 2,
"file_name": "test.txt",
"file_md5": "1ceada6012b007afb4b0a29984660ad0",
"ttl": 300,
"oss": {
"method": "{data.oss.method}",
"accessid": "{data.oss.accessid}",
"host": "{data.oss.host}",
"expire": 1704892428,
"signature": "{data.oss.signature}",
"policy": "{data.oss.policy}",
"dir": "{data.oss.dir}",
"data_path": "{data.oss.data_path}"
Upload File Example (area_type=2)
curl --request {data.oss.method} '{data.oss.host}' \
--form 'key="{data.oss.dir}"' \
--form 'OSSAccessKeyId="{data.oss.accessid}"' \
--form 'policy="{data.oss.policy}"' \
--form 'signature="{data.oss.signature}"' \
--form 'success_action_status="200"' \
--form 'file=@"{path_to_file}"'
For example:
The pre-signed information returned by the pre-signed request interface.
{data.oss.method} = POST
{data.oss.host} = https://upload.cn.aliyuncs.com
{data.oss.dir} = dir/audience.txt
{data.oss.accessid} = accessid123
{data.oss.policy} = policy456
{data.oss.signature} = signature789
Your file path
{path_to_file} = /path/to/file
curl --request POST 'https://upload.cn.aliyuncs.com' \
--form 'key="dir/audience.txt"' \
--form 'OSSAccessKeyId="accessid123"' \
--form 'policy="policy456"' \
--form 'signature="signature789"' \
--form 'success_action_status="200"' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'
After successful upload, use {data.oss.data_path} for Creating Audience.