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Acquiring Campaign List

PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token

Acquire campaign list, support inquiry according to campaign_id、campaign_name、package_name

Request address

Request method


Request example

GET /api/open/v1/campaign
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json
{ "page": 1, "campaign_id": "1230,1231,1532", "limit": 10 }

Request Parameter

FieldsTypeExplanationsDefault ValueExamples
campaign_id OptionalintUnique id for campaign. Separate with commas for multiple campaign.
Note: the maximum number for one search is 50.
campaign_name OptionalstringShort description for campaign"campaign_test"
package_name OptionalstringPackage name of app"test"
offer_id OptionalintUnique id for offer1234"
offer_name OptionalstringUnique name for offer"offer_test"
offer_uuid OptionalstringUnique offer name generated automatically"ss_offer_test"
page OptionalintPage11
limit OptionalintLimit for each page.Maximum: 50
>50, return to 50


codeint200 code, is success. Others, are fail.
msgstringIf success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
datajsonIf success, return to campaign data. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
pageintcurrent page
limitintquantity limit
totalinttotal amount
campaign_idintUnique ID for campaign
campaign_namestringCampaign name you add
is_coppastringThe value of COPPA setting
promotion_typestringPromotion type you set
alive_in_storestringThe value you set of “alive in store”
preview_urlstringPreview link you add in campaign
product_namestringAds objective name
package_namestringIOS app store id or buddle id of the application you want to promote
descriptionstringDescription of ads objective
iconstringMd5 of icon or logo
platformstringPlatform of campaign
categorystringCategory of campaign
app_sizestringSize of application
min_versionstringThe minimum system version you set in campaign
maintain_bystringAccess of modifying offer. If maintain_by="AM", it means you can only check the details of your campaign or offer. If maintain_by="ADV", you can change the setting of your campaign or offer freely.
statusstringCampaign Status. Enum value in [ENUM - Campaign Status]

Response Example

  "msg": "success",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 2,
    "list": [
        "campaign_id": 1234,
        "is_coppa": "YES",
        "campaign_name": "Test",
        "promotion_type": "APP",
        "alive_in_store": "YES",
        "preview_url": "",
        "product_name": "Test",
        "package_name": "",
        "description": "Test",
        "icon": "f7c970d0d24c71d84d15a78f29042323",
        "platform": "ANDROID",
        "category": "BUSINESS",
        "app_size": "12.13",
        "min_version": "1.0.0",
        "maintain_by": "ADV"
        "campaign_id": 1235,
        "is_coppa": "YES",
        "campaign_name": "Test",
        "promotion_type": "APP",
        "alive_in_store": "YES",
        "preview_url": "",
        "product_name": "Test",
        "package_name": "",
        "description": "Test",
        "icon": "f7c970d0d24c71d84d15a78f29042323",
        "platform": "ANDROID",
        "category": "BUSINESS",
        "app_size": "12.13",
        "min_version": "1.0.0",
        "maintain_by": "ADV"