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Acquiring Creative List

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Acquire creative list, support inquiry according to creative_md5、creative_name、creative_type、resolution.

Request Address

Request Method


Request Example

GET /api/open/v1/creatives/source
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json
"page"1"creative_type""VIDEO""limit"10 }

Request Parameter

FieldsTypeExplanationsDefault ValueExamples
creative_md5 OptionalstringUnique md5 for creative, Please use , to separate multiple md5. Note: the maximum number for one search is 200."0a6335cd9151ac5dc79ad996f4e12674"
creative_name OptionalstringCreative name"creative_test.png"
creative_type OptionalstringCreative Type, including:"IMAGE""VIDEO""PLAYABLE""IMAGE"
resolution OptionalstringResolution of creative. Please use . to separate multiple md5.
Note: the maximum number for one search is 200.
page OptionalintPage11
limit OptionalintLimit for each page. Maximum: 200
>200, return to 200


codeint200 code, is success. Others, are fail.
msgstringIf success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
datajsonIf success, return to creatives data. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
pageintcurrent page
limitintquantity limit
totalinttotal amount
creative_typestringCreative Type. Including:"IMAGE""VIDEO""PLAYABLE"
creative_md5stringUnique md5 for creative
creative_namestringCreative name
resolutionstringPixel or dimension of creative
sizenumberSize of creative, the unit is KB.
languagestringLanguage of playable ads
platformstringApplicable platform of playable ads.Enum value: "ANDROID""IOS""ALL"

Response Example

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 2,
    "total": 4,
    "list": [
        "creative_type": "IMAGE",
        "creative_name": "dd.png",
        "creative_md5": "0a6335cd9151ac5dc79ad996f4e12674",
        "resolution": "300x300",
        "size": 10.039,
        "language": null,
        "platform": null
        "creative_type": "IMAGE",
        "creative_name": "aaa.png",
        "creative_md5": "0a6335cd9151ac5dc79ad996f4e12674",
        "resolution": "300x300",
        "size": 10.039,
        "language": null,
        "platform": null