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Update Creatives

PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token

Through this interface, you could update creatives for offer. See the appendix for details on creative dimension requirements [Appendix - Creative Dimension] .

Request address

This interface is about to be obsolete, please use [Api - Create Creative Set](/en/guide/creative_set/createCreativeSet#Request Params)

Request method


Request example

PUT /api/open/v1/offer/apply_creative
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json
  "creative": [
      "creative_name":"creative_test.png" ,

Request Parameter

FieldsTypeExplanationsDefault ValueExamples
offer_idintOffer ID123
ad_typestringTarget ad types. Separate with commas for multiple ad types. Enum value in :[EUNM - Ad Type(Static)] [EUNM - Ad Type(Video)]"REWARDED_VIDEO"
creative_md5stringCreative MD5 generated after being uploaded. And is file name by default, please note, creative name must be letters, digits, or the underscore"0a6335cd9151ac5dc79ad996f4e12674"
creative_namestringCreative name generated after being uploaded."creative_test"
apply_in_areastringTargeted geos for specific creatives. Targeted geos must be in offer's target_geo.
PS: 1. Set "ALL" for targeting all geos in offer. 2. Separate with commas for multiple targeted geos.
creative_set_name OptionalstringCreative set name"default"
optionstringStatus for creative under offers.
Enum value: "ENABLE", "DISABLE".
ENABLE: Allow creative to run in offer. DISABLE: Pause and romove creative from specific offer. Note: Set "ENABLE" for setting up new offers.


codeint200 code, is success. Others, are fail.
msgstringIf success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
datajsonIf success, return ["success"]. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.

Response Example

  "msg": "success",
  "code": 200,
  "data": ["success"]