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Acquiring Offer List

PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token

Acquire ads offer list, support inquiry according to campaign_id、campaign_name、offer_id、offer_name、offer_uuid、status、package_name、ext_fields.

Request address

Request method


Request example

GET /api/open/v1/offers
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json
{ "page": 1, "campaign_id": "12,13,15", "limit": 10 }

Request Parameter

FieldsTypeExplanationsDefault ValueExamples
campaign_id OptionalstringCampaign ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs."12,13,15"
campaign_name OptionalstringCampaign name. Fuzzy query is supported."""campaign_test"
offer_id OptionalstringOffer ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs."123,124,125"
offer_name OptionalstringOffer name. Fuzzy query is supported."""offer_test"
offer_uuid OptionalstringUnique offer name generated automatically"ss_offer_test"
package_name OptionalstringPackage name of promotion application. Fuzzy query is supported."""test"
ext_fields OptionalstringExtended queries. Separate with commas for multiple queries. Supported queries:
bid_rate_by_mtgid => bid rate for specific publisher
target_app => The field is used for block or target specific apps
page OptionalintPage11
limit OptionalintLimit for each page
Maximam: 50
>50, return to 50
status OptionalstringUnnecessary fields and support multiple status:
[ENUM - Offer Status]


codeint200 code, is success. Others, are fail.
msgstringIf success, return to “success”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
datajsonIf success, return to “Offer”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
pageintcurrent page
limitintquantity limit
totalinttotal amount
campaign_idintUnique id for campaign
campaign_namestringCampaign Name
offer_idintUnique id for offer
uuidstringUnique offer name generated automatically,it is commonly used to set tracking url
offer_namestringOffer name you set
promote_timezonenumberTimezone setting for promotion period, such as -5
start_timestringTimestamp of promotion start time
end_timestringTimestamp of promotion end time
statusstringOffer Status.Enum value in [ENUM - Offer Status]
country_codestringTarget geos for promotion. Such as "US,CN"
stagestringOffer dimension cold start phase
bid_typestringPricing model
bid_ratefloatDefault bidding price value for all offer target geos and will apply only when no specific geo or application bid is set
bid_rate_by_locationarray<json>Bidding price value for specific geos. sample: [{"target_geo":"US","bid_rate":"8.010"},{"country_code":"CN","bid_rate":"3.920"}]
budgetarray<json>Budget info
offer_stop_reasonstringReason why offer has been paused. For example, account balance is insufficient, no available creative can be used and click tracking link is invalid.
settlement_eventstringSettlement event for CPE promotion.
tracking_methodstringTracking method. Enum value in [ENUM - Tracking Method]
click_urlstringClick attribution tracking URL
impression_urlstringView-through attribution tracking URL.
os_version_minstringMinimum OS version
custom_ad_schedulestringPromotion schedule
custom_ad_schedule_timezonenumberTimezone setting for promotion schedule
This field has been deprecated, use the 'promote_timezone' field instead.
networkstringTarget for device network status
target_ad_typestringAd type
currencystringSettlement currency. Enum value: "CNY", "USD"
target_devicestringTarget device type
click_url_statusstringTesting status for click attribution tracking URL, Enum value:
PENDDING => Click URL is waiting a test or click url has not passed and continue testing
PASS => Click URL is available
NOT_EXIST => Click URL is null
target_apparray<json>The details of apps that has been blocked or targeted
switchint1=>for target apps;2=> for block apps;0=>unlimited
packagearray<string>package name
bid_rate_for_mtgidarray<json>Bidding price value for specific publishers
apply_in_areastringTargeted geos
mtgidstringUnique id of publisher
bid_ratestringBidding price value for specific publisher in specific area
maintain_bystringAccess of modifying offer. If maintain_by="AM", it means you can only check the details of your campaign or offer. If maintain_by="ADV", you can change the setting of your campaign or offer freely.
include_ta_idarray<int>include target audience id
exclude_ta_idarray<int>exclude target audience id
target_mtg_eventarray<string>Objectives to optimize. Only Target-ROAS will be returned.
target_goal_windowstringThe time window of the optimization goal, enumeration value: D0, D7. Only Target-ROAS will be returned.
target_goaldoubleThe offer dimension optimizes the goal value. Only Target-ROAS will be returned.
target_goal_by_geoarray<json>The geo dimension optimizes the objective value. Only Target-ROAS will be returned.
target_goaldoubleOptimize the target value

Response Example

  "msg": "success",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 520,
    "list": [
        "campaign_id": 111,
        "campaign_name": "campaign_test",
        "offer_id": 10010,
        "uuid": "campaign_test",
        "offer_name": "campaign_test_1",
        "promote_timezone": 8,
        "start_time": "2019-10-01",
        "end_time": "2019-11-02",
        "status": "RUNNING",
        "country_code": "US,CN",
        "bid_type": "CPI",
        "bid_rate": "5.200",
        "currency": "CNY",
        "include_ta_id": [
        "exclude_ta_id": [],
        "bid_rate_by_location": [
          { "country_code": "US", "bid_rate": "8.010" },
          { "country_code": "CN", "bid_rate": "3.920" }
        "budget": [
            "country_code": "US",
            "total_budget": "OPEN"
            "daily_cap_type": "BUDGET",
            "daily_cap": "OPEN"
            "country_code": "CN",
            "total_budget": 5000
            "daily_cap_type": "CONVERSION",
            "daily_cap": "OPEN"
        "maintain_by": "ADV"
        "campaign_id": 112,
        "campaign_name": "campaign_test",
        "offer_id": 10011,
        "uuid": "campaign_test",
        "offer_name": "campaign_test_2",
        "promote_timezone": 8,
        "start_time": "2019-10-01",
        "end_time": "2019-11-02",
        "status": "RUNNING",
        "country_code": "US,CN",
        "bid_type": "CPI",
        "bid_rate": "5.200",
        "currency": "CNY",
        "include_ta_id": [
        "exclude_ta_id": [],
        "bid_rate_by_location": [
          { "country_code": "US", "bid_rate": "8.010" },
          { "country_code": "CN", "bid_rate": "3.920" }
        "budget": [
            "country_code": "ALL",
            "total_budget": "OPEN"
            "daily_cap_type": "BUDGET",
            "daily_cap": "OPEN"
        "maintain_by": "ADV"