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Update Bids

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Updateing offer bid, regional bid and channel bid.

Request address

Request method


Request example

PUT /api/open/v1/offer/bid_rate
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json
// Normal Bidding (regardless of region, regardless of mtgid)
// Bidding by region:
  "offer_id": 123, 
  "bid_rate_by_location": [
// Bidding by mtgid:
  "offer_id": 123, 
  "bid_rate_by_mtgid": [

Request Parameter

FieldsTypeExplanationsDefault ValueExamples
offer_idintUnique id for offer123
bid_rate OptionalfloatDefault bidding price value for all offer target geos and will apply only when no specific geo or application bid is set. Float with 3 decimal places greater than 0 is allowed. For CPE/CPI/CPM bid type, value must be greater than 0.01. For CPC bid type, value must be greater than
bid_rate_by_location Optionalarray<json>Bidding price value for specific geos. Note:Please submit all geo that require bids, geos not in the request will be set as default bids.If you want to cancel bids for specific geo, set this field empty, for example: bid_rate_by_location = []
country_codestringTargeted geos for bid setting. Targeting geo must be in offer geos."CN,US"
bid_ratefloatBidding price value for specific geos.3.21
bid_rate_by_mtgid Optionalarray<json>Bidding price value for specific publishers.Note: 1.It’s an advanced feature, if returns “permission denied”,please contact AM to get access. 2.If you want to cancel bids for specific publisher, set this field empty. 3. Please submit all mtgid that require bids, mtgids not in the request will be set as default bids.If you want to cancel bids for specific publishers, set this field empty, for example: bid_rate_by_mtgid = []
country_codefloatTargeted geos"CN"
bid_ratefloatBidding price value for specific publisher in specific geos3.21
mtgidfloatUnique id for publisher"mtg123456"

1 the precision for bid_rate is 0.001。
2 Minimum value of Bid rate is ralated to the bid_type.
> A) Offer’s bid type is in "CPI" or "CPE" or "CPM" ,minimum bid rate is 0.01
> B) Offer’s bid type is "CPC" ,minimum bid rate is 0.001。
3 bid_rate and bid_rate_by_location can’t be leave null at the same time.
4 You can change the value of bid_rate to update default price for offer
5 You can change the value of bid_rate_by_location to update price for specific area
6 if you need to delete price for specific area, just leave "bid_rate_by_location" as null, for example, bid_rate_by_location = [].
7 This api uses the full update method. When submitting bids by geo or mtgid, please submit the complete settings.


codeint200 code, is success. Others, are fail.
msgstringIf success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
datajsonIf success, return offer id. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.

Response Example

  "data": {
    "id": 123