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Update Campaign

PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token

Updating campaign information.

Request address

Request method


Request example

PUT /api/open/v1/campaign
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameter

FieldsTypeExplanationsDefault ValueExamples
campaign_idintUnique ID for campaign1234
campaign_name OptionalstringShort description for campaign,campaign name must be unique and the max length is 100"Test_campaign_name"
promotion_type OptionalstringType of ads objective you want to promote. It can be either "APP" or "WEBSITE"."APP"
is_coppa OptionalstringIf campaign is directed to children, you should specify whether the campaign satisfy the requirement of COPPA. Including:"YES""NO"."""YES"
icon OptionalstringMD5 of the logo or icon. You can get md5 after upload image successfully via creative upload API.
Note:Only jpg、png、 jpeg、 bmp file accepted and the dimension should be 512x512 within 5 M.
product_name OptionalstringApp name or website name, the max length for this field is 100.
package_name OptionalstringBundle id or ios application store id of the App.
Note:platform="IOS"&&alive_in_store="YES", package name must be application store id .
platform="ANDROID", package name should be bundle id id。
android: ""
ios: "id414478124"
app_size OptionalnumberSize of app,the unit is MB. If you ads objective is a website, leave this field empty.12.34
category OptionalstringCategory of ads objective. The category is different between different platform, Please check [ENUM - Category For IOS][ENUM - Category For ANDROID]."GAMES"
min_version OptionalstringMinimum OS version allowed in format of /^[0-9](\.[0-9]){0,2}$/ .
Note: if you ads objective is a website, please leave this field empty.
description OptionalstringDescription of ads objective, the maximum length of this field is 4000."Test"


codeint200 code, is success. Others, are fail.
msgstringIf success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
datajsonIf success, return to campaign data. If fail, return to detailed wrong info.
campaign_idintUnique ID for campaign
campaign_namestringCampaign name you add
is_coppastringThe value of COPPA setting
promotion_typestringPromotion type you set
alive_in_storestringThe value you set of “alive in store”
preview_urlstringPreview link you add in campaign
product_namestringAds objective name
package_namestringIOS app store id or buddle id of the application you want to promote
descriptionstringDescription of ads objective
iconstringMd5 of icon or logo
platformstringPlatform of campaign
categorystringCategory of campaign
app_sizestringSize of application
min_versionstringMinimum OS version

Response Example

  "msg": "success",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "campaign_id": 1234,
    "is_coppa": "YES",
    "campaign_name": "Test",
    "promotion_type": "APP",
    "alive_in_store": "YES",
    "preview_url": "",
    "product_name": "Test",
    "package_name": "",
    "description": "Test",
    "icon": "f7c970d0d24c71d84d15a78f29042323",
    "platform": "ANDROID",
    "category": "GAMES",
    "app_size": "12.13",
    "min_version": "1.0.0"