Update Campaign
PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token
Updating campaign information.
Request address
Request method
Request example
PUT /api/open/v1/campaign
HTTP/1.1 Host: ss-api.mintegral.com
Content-Type: application/json
"campaign_id": 1234,
"is_coppa": "YES",
"campaign_name": "Test",
"promotion_type": "APP",
"product_name": "Test",
"package_name": "id333206289",
"description": "Test",
"icon": "f7c970d0d24c71d84d15a78f29042323",
"category": "BUSINESS",
"app_size": 12.13,
"min_version": "1.0.0"
Request Parameter
Fields | Type | Explanations | Default Value | Examples |
campaign_id | int | Unique ID for campaign | — | 1234 |
campaign_name Optional | string | Short description for campaign,campaign name must be unique and the max length is 100 | — | "Test_campaign_name" |
promotion_type Optional | string | Type of ads objective you want to promote. It can be either "APP" or "WEBSITE" . | — | "APP" |
is_coppa Optional | string | If campaign is directed to children, you should specify whether the campaign satisfy the requirement of COPPA. Including:"YES" 、"NO" . | "" | "YES" |
icon Optional | string | MD5 of the logo or icon. You can get md5 after upload image successfully via creative upload API. Note:Only jpg、png、 jpeg、 bmp file accepted and the dimension should be 512x512 within 5 M. | "" | "f7c970d0d24c71d84d15a78f29042323" |
product_name Optional | string | App name or website name, the max length for this field is 100. | — | — |
package_name Optional | string | Bundle id or ios application store id of the App. Note:platform="IOS"&&alive_in_store="YES", package name must be application store id . platform="ANDROID", package name should be bundle id id。 | — | android: "com.tencent.mm" ios: "id414478124" |
app_size Optional | number | Size of app,the unit is MB. If you ads objective is a website, leave this field empty. | — | 12.34 |
category Optional | string | Category of ads objective. The category is different between different platform, Please check [ENUM - Category For IOS][ENUM - Category For ANDROID]. | — | "GAMES" |
min_version Optional | string | Minimum OS version allowed in format of /^[0-9](\.[0-9]){0,2}$/ . Note: if you ads objective is a website, please leave this field empty. | — | "1.0.0" |
description Optional | string | Description of ads objective, the maximum length of this field is 4000. | — | "Test" |
Fields | Type | Explanations |
code | int | 200 code, is success. Others, are fail. |
msg | string | If success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
data | json | If success, return to campaign data. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
campaign_id | int | Unique ID for campaign |
campaign_name | string | Campaign name you add |
is_coppa | string | The value of COPPA setting |
promotion_type | string | Promotion type you set |
alive_in_store | string | The value you set of “alive in store” |
preview_url | string | Preview link you add in campaign |
product_name | string | Ads objective name |
package_name | string | IOS app store id or buddle id of the application you want to promote |
description | string | Description of ads objective |
icon | string | Md5 of icon or logo |
platform | string | Platform of campaign |
category | string | Category of campaign |
app_size | string | Size of application |
min_version | string | Minimum OS version |
Response Example
"msg": "success",
"code": 200,
"data": {
"campaign_id": 1234,
"is_coppa": "YES",
"campaign_name": "Test",
"promotion_type": "APP",
"alive_in_store": "YES",
"preview_url": "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xxxxxxx",
"product_name": "Test",
"package_name": "com.tencent.mm",
"description": "Test",
"icon": "f7c970d0d24c71d84d15a78f29042323",
"platform": "ANDROID",
"category": "GAMES",
"app_size": "12.13",
"min_version": "1.0.0"