Acquiring Offer List
PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token
Acquire ads offer list, support inquiry according to campaign_id、campaign_name、offer_id、offer_name、offer_uuid、status、package_name、ext_fields.
Request address
Request method
Request example
GET /api/open/v1/offers
HTTP/1.1 Host:
Content-Type: application/json
{ "page": 1, "campaign_id": "12,13,15", "limit": 10 }
Request Parameter
Fields | Type | Explanations | Default Value | Examples |
campaign_id Optional | string | Campaign ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs. | — | "12,13,15" |
campaign_name Optional | string | Campaign name. Fuzzy query is supported. | "" | "campaign_test" |
offer_id Optional | string | Offer ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs. | — | "123,124,125" |
offer_name Optional | string | Offer name. Fuzzy query is supported. | "" | "offer_test" |
offer_uuid Optional | string | Unique offer name generated automatically | — | "ss_offer_test" |
package_name Optional | string | Package name of promotion application. Fuzzy query is supported. | "" | "test" |
ext_fields Optional | string | Extended queries. Separate with commas for multiple queries. Supported queries: bid_rate_by_mtgid => bid rate for specific publisher target_app => The field is used for block or target specific apps | "" | "bid_rate_by_mtgid" |
page Optional | int | Page | 1 | 1 |
limit Optional | int | Limit for each page Maximam: 50 >50, return to 50 | 10 | 15 |
status Optional | string | Unnecessary fields and support multiple status: [ENUM - Offer Status] | "" | "RUNNING" |
Fields | Type | Explanations |
code | int | 200 code, is success. Others, are fail. |
msg | string | If success, return to “success”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
data | json | If success, return to “Offer”. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
page | int | current page |
limit | int | quantity limit |
total | int | total amount |
list | array<json> | |
campaign_id | int | Unique id for campaign |
campaign_name | string | Campaign Name |
offer_id | int | Unique id for offer |
uuid | string | Unique offer name generated automatically,it is commonly used to set tracking url |
offer_name | string | Offer name you set |
promote_timezone | number | Timezone setting for promotion period, such as -5 |
start_time | string | Timestamp of promotion start time |
end_time | string | Timestamp of promotion end time |
status | string | Offer Status.Enum value in [ENUM - Offer Status] |
country_code | string | Target geos for promotion. Such as "US,CN" |
stage | string | Offer dimension cold start phase |
bid_type | string | Pricing model |
bid_rate | float | Default bidding price value for all offer target geos and will apply only when no specific geo or application bid is set |
bid_rate_by_location | array<json> | Bidding price value for specific geos. sample: [{"target_geo":"US","bid_rate":"8.010"},{"country_code":"CN","bid_rate":"3.920"}] |
budget | array<json> | Budget info |
offer_stop_reason | string | Reason why offer has been paused. For example, account balance is insufficient, no available creative can be used and click tracking link is invalid. |
settlement_event | string | Settlement event for CPE promotion. |
tracking_method | string | Tracking method. Enum value in [ENUM - Tracking Method] |
click_url | string | Click attribution tracking URL |
impression_url | string | View-through attribution tracking URL. |
os_version_min | string | Minimum OS version |
custom_ad_schedule | string | Promotion schedule |
custom_ad_schedule_timezone | number | Timezone setting for promotion scheduleThis field has been deprecated, use the 'promote_timezone' field instead. |
network | string | Target for device network status |
target_ad_type | string | Ad type |
currency | string | Settlement currency. Enum value: "CNY" , "USD" |
target_device | string | Target device type |
click_url_status | string | Testing status for click attribution tracking URL, Enum value: PENDDING => Click URL is waiting a test or click url has not passed and continue testing PASS => Click URL is available NOT_EXIST => Click URL is null |
target_app | array<json> | The details of apps that has been blocked or targeted |
switch | int | 1=>for target apps;2=> for block apps;0=>unlimited |
mtg_id | array<string> | mtgid |
package | array<string> | package name |
bid_rate_for_mtgid | array<json> | Bidding price value for specific publishers |
apply_in_area | string | Targeted geos |
mtgid | string | Unique id of publisher |
bid_rate | string | Bidding price value for specific publisher in specific area |
maintain_by | string | Access of modifying offer. If maintain_by="AM", it means you can only check the details of your campaign or offer. If maintain_by="ADV", you can change the setting of your campaign or offer freely. |
include_ta_id | array<int> | include target audience id |
exclude_ta_id | array<int> | exclude target audience id |
target_mtg_event | array<string> | Objectives to optimize. Only Target-ROAS will be returned. |
target_goal_window | string | The time window of the optimization goal, enumeration value: D0, D7. Only Target-ROAS will be returned. |
target_goal | double | The offer dimension optimizes the goal value. Only Target-ROAS will be returned. |
target_goal_by_geo | array<json> | The geo dimension optimizes the objective value. Only Target-ROAS will be returned. |
geo | string | geo |
target_goal | double | Optimize the target value |
Response Example
"msg": "success",
"code": 200,
"data": {
"page": 1,
"limit": 10,
"total": 520,
"list": [
"campaign_id": 111,
"campaign_name": "campaign_test",
"offer_id": 10010,
"uuid": "campaign_test",
"offer_name": "campaign_test_1",
"promote_timezone": 8,
"start_time": "2019-10-01",
"end_time": "2019-11-02",
"status": "RUNNING",
"country_code": "US,CN",
"bid_type": "CPI",
"bid_rate": "5.200",
"currency": "CNY",
"include_ta_id": [
"exclude_ta_id": [],
"bid_rate_by_location": [
{ "country_code": "US", "bid_rate": "8.010" },
{ "country_code": "CN", "bid_rate": "3.920" }
"budget": [
"country_code": "US",
"total_budget": "OPEN"
"daily_cap_type": "BUDGET",
"daily_cap": "OPEN"
"country_code": "CN",
"total_budget": 5000
"daily_cap_type": "CONVERSION",
"daily_cap": "OPEN"
"maintain_by": "ADV"
"campaign_id": 112,
"campaign_name": "campaign_test",
"offer_id": 10011,
"uuid": "campaign_test",
"offer_name": "campaign_test_2",
"promote_timezone": 8,
"start_time": "2019-10-01",
"end_time": "2019-11-02",
"status": "RUNNING",
"country_code": "US,CN",
"bid_type": "CPI",
"bid_rate": "5.200",
"currency": "CNY",
"include_ta_id": [
"exclude_ta_id": [],
"bid_rate_by_location": [
{ "country_code": "US", "bid_rate": "8.010" },
{ "country_code": "CN", "bid_rate": "3.920" }
"budget": [
"country_code": "ALL",
"total_budget": "OPEN"
"daily_cap_type": "BUDGET",
"daily_cap": "OPEN"
"maintain_by": "ADV"