Update Promote Status For Channel
PS: You need to use Token to change the status, for more details, please check Token
Through this interface, you could start/pause the publisher(so called "mtgid") under offers. Besides, It’s an advanced feature, if returns “permission denied”,please contact AM to get access.
Request address
Request method
Request example
PUT /api/open/v1/offer/target
HTTP/1.1 Host: ss-api.mintegral.com
Content-Type: application/json
"offer_id": 1234,
"option": "ENABLE",
"mtgid": "mtg1127838375"
Request Parameter
Fields | Type | Explanations | Default Value | Examples |
offer_id | int | Offer ID | — | 1234 |
option | string | Status for publishers under offers. Enum value: "ENABLE" , "DISABLE" , "ALLOW_ALL" ENABLE : Add specific mtgid into whitelist or remove specific mtgid from black list. DISABLE : Add specific mtgid into blacklist and remove specific mtgid from whitelist list. ALLOW_ALL : Add all mtgid into whitelist or remove all mtgid from black list. | — | "DISABLE" |
mtgid | string | mtgid to be set status of. Only when option is set to "ALLOW_ALL" , mtgid can be set to null, if set null, all whitelist and blacklist settings will be removed. Separate with commas for multiple mtgid with maximum number of 3000. Note: This api uses the full update method, please submit the complete settings. | — | "mtg1127838375" |
Fields | Type | Explanations |
code | int | 200 code, is success. Others, are fail. |
msg | string | If success, return to "success". If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
data | json | If success, return null. If fail, return to detailed wrong info. |
Response Example
"msg": "success",
"code": 200,
"data": null