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Postback URL

This is also known as “callback URL” and it is a type of URL that the third party or advertiser uses to send conversion-related data to the Mintegral platform after attributing a conversion to it.

Postback Types

There are two types of postbacks:

installationPostback after app activation, commonly used for installation statistics{uuid}&clickid={click_id}&idfa={idfa}&type=s2s&install_time={install_time}
EventPostback after a specific event trigger, commonly used for event statistics. A postback supports only one event, but can be sent multiple times to count multiple events{uuid}&clickid={click_id}&idfa={idfa}&type=s2s&event_time={event_time}&event_name={event_name}

Postback Parameters

The following are some commonly used postback parameters on the Mintegral platform:

clickidYesMintegral Click id defined by the Mintegral platformmtg0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j1x2y
campuuidYesMintegral Promotion id defined by the Mintegral platformgame_ios_us_mtg
idfaYes, in some casesRequired for iOS3E0046F7-8BD4-4F3E-9F91-358B137D2BF0
md5_idfaYes, in some casesIDFA MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case)77d06cb28c1771e8019be4f4fb6e1938
gaidYes, in some casesRequired for Android (not in China)7268ceb0-5411-4004-b7cb-bd1fee4b6277
md5_gaidYes, in some casesGAID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case)7c687d7812ae6ca319aecea51d0d7750
imeiYes, in some casesRequired for Android (in China)869634020728636
md5_imeiYes, in some casesIMEI MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case)ed0427f06978ac06d73e2d6f2049aa9d
devidYes, in some casesRequired for attribution based on Android IDd0d4845ae4495a83
md5_devidYes, in some casesANDROID ID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case)1ebf70337adb6df4b70300edc27c24c8
macYes, in some casesRequired for attribution based on MAC10:2A:B3:D1:52:F4
md5_macYes, in some casesMAC MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case)d53e994cce18ab87fdd25d155544532f
oaidYes, in some casesRequired for attribution based on OAIDfdcfebbf-5ebb-4958-35fe-cbdf74fd2fb3
md5_oaidYes, in some casesOAID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case)a27d1dda70b946cdb940ead82f01dd63
plNoOS platformandroid
osNoOS version8.0.1
deviceNoDevice modelMi-4c
countryNoCountry codeCN
app_versionNoApp version1.1.2
typeNoName of third party or advertisers2s
install_timeNoInstallation activation timestamp, only used for installation postback1486088825
event_timeNoEvent trigger timestamp, only used for event postback1486088825
event_nameYes, in some casesEvent name, only used for event postbackPurchase
event_valueYes, in some casesdata related to the event, only used for event postback1.90
currencyYes, in some casesdata related to the event, only used for event postback.See the enumeration description for possible valuesUSD
attribu_typeYesIndicates whether the attribution is given to Mintegral, 0 or 1;1 means attribution to MTG1
app_idYesapp Package
ios: idxxx

Important Parameter Description

1. currency

This enumeration defines a list of supported currency codes. Each currency code represents a specific legal tender.

Enum ValueDescription
CNYChinese Yuan - The legal currency of the People's Republic of China
USDUnited States Dollar - The legal currency of the United States
EUREuro - The official currency of the member countries of the European Union
JPYJapanese Yen - The legal currency of Japan
GBPBritish Pound Sterling - The legal currency of the United Kingdom

Postback Direction

Configure within the tracking URLFor advertisers integrated through S2S or several third parties; specify a parameter to configure the postback URL (pay attention to URL-encoded, see appendix tool). When click reporting, known parameters such as {uuid}, {click_id}, and device id will be passed with their real values
Configure on advertiser’s serverFor advertisers integrated through S2SDefined by the advertisers’ technical developer
Configure via third partyDefined by the advertisers’ technical developerNo additional configuration needed for third parties like AppsFlyer, Adjust, etc.