Tracking URL
Also called tracking link, this includes the impression URL and click URL and it is used to track the number of clicks on an ad.
Async Click
The click URL is only for receiving the click data feedback. When the ad is clicked on the client-side, it will send the user to the application download page or landing page. Meanwhile, the Mintegral platform will send click data on the server-side, which is common for S2S integrations. In this case, advertisers need to make sure to configure the correct application download URL or landing page URL on the Mintegral platform.
The macro is a placeholder that is used to replace specifc data or variables. A macro looks like {xxx} and is located in the tracking URL on the Mintegral platform. The following are commonly used placeholders for tracking URLs supported by the Mintegral platform:
Macro | Required | Description | Examples |
{click_id} | Yes | Click id defined by the Mintegral platform | mtg0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j1x2y |
{uuid} | Yes | Promotion id as defined by the Mintegral platform | ss_game_ios_us_mtg |
{offer_name} | No | Offer name | game_ios_us_mtg |
{adv_offer_id} | 否 | Offer ID | 246913 |
{adv_campaign_id} | 否 | Campaign ID | 76776 |
{creative_id} | No | Creative id | 1234567890 |
{creative_name} | No | Creative name | app_icon_512x512 |
{affiliate_id} | Recommended | Sub channel id on the Mintegral platform, which is helpful for optimizing sub-channel performance if this id is served | mtg1234567890 |
{idfa} | Yes, in some cases | Required for iOS | 3E0046F7-8BD4-4F3E-9F91-358B137D2BF0 |
{idfa_md5} | Yes, in some cases | IDFA MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | 77d06cb28c1771e8019be4f4fb6e1938 |
{gaid} | Yes, in some cases | Required for Android (not in China) | 7268ceb0-5411-4004-b7cb-bd1fee4b6277 |
{gaid_md5} | Yes, in some cases | GAID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | 7c687d7812ae6ca319aecea51d0d7750 |
{imei} | Yes, in some cases | Required for Android (in China) | 869634020728636 |
{imei_md5} | Yes, in some cases | IMEI MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | ed0427f06978ac06d73e2d6f2049aa9d |
{android_id} | Yes, in some cases | Required for attribution based on Android ID | d0d4845ae4495a83 |
{android_id_md5} | Yes, in some cases | Android ID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | 1ebf70337adb6df4b70300edc27c24c8 |
{mac} | Yes, in some cases | Required for attribution based on MAC | 10:2A:B3:D1:52:F4 |
{mac_md5} | Yes, in some cases | MAC MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | d53e994cce18ab87fdd25d155544532f |
{oaid} | Yes, in some cases | Android OAID, used to replace IMEI for Android 10 and above | fdcfebbf-5ebb-4958-35fe-cbdf74fd2fb3 |
{oaid_md5} | Yes, in some cases | OAID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | a27d1dda70b946cdb940ead82f01dd63 |
{ua} | Yes, in some cases | Android OAID, used to replace IMEI for Android 10 and above | Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;Android 7.0; Mi-4cBuild/NRD90M; wv)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML, like Gecko)Version0 Chrome/79.0.3945.116 MobileSafari/537.36Mb2345Browser/12.0.1oem |
{os_platform} | No | OS platform from UA | Android |
{os_version} | No | OS platform from UA | 7.0 |
{device_model} | No | Device model from UA | Mi-4c |
{ip} | Yes, in some cases | Required for attribution based on IP + UA | |