The macro is a placeholder that is used to replace specifc data or variables. A macro looks like {xxx} and is located in the tracking URL on the Mintegral platform. The following are commonly used placeholders for tracking URLs supported by the Mintegral platform:
Macro | Required | Description | Examples |
{click_id} | Yes | Click id defined by the Mintegral platform | mtg0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j1x2y |
{uuid} | Yes | Promotion id as defined by the Mintegral platform | ss_game_ios_us_mtg |
{offer_name} | No | Offer name | game_ios_us_mtg |
{adv_offer_id} | No | Offer ID | 246913 |
{adv_campaign_id} | No | Campaign ID | 76776 |
{creative_id} | No | Creative id | 1234567890 |
{creative_name} | No | Creative name | app_icon_512x512 |
{affiliate_id} | Recommended | Sub channel id on the Mintegral platform, which is helpful for optimizing sub-channel performance if this id is served | mtg1234567890 |
{idfa} | Yes, in some cases | Required for iOS | 3E0046F7-8BD4-4F3E-9F91-358B137D2BF0 |
{idfa_md5} | Yes, in some cases | IDFA MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | 77d06cb28c1771e8019be4f4fb6e1938 |
{gaid} | Yes, in some cases | Required for Android (not in China) | 7268ceb0-5411-4004-b7cb-bd1fee4b6277 |
{gaid_md5} | Yes, in some cases | GAID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | 7c687d7812ae6ca319aecea51d0d7750 |
{imei} | Yes, in some cases | Required for Android (in China) | 869634020728636 |
{imei_md5} | Yes, in some cases | IMEI MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | ed0427f06978ac06d73e2d6f2049aa9d |
{android_id} | Yes, in some cases | Required for attribution based on Android ID | d0d4845ae4495a83 |
{android_id_md5} | Yes, in some cases | Android ID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | 1ebf70337adb6df4b70300edc27c24c8 |
{mac} | Yes, in some cases | Required for attribution based on MAC | 10:2A:B3:D1:52:F4 |
{mac_md5} | Yes, in some cases | MAC MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | d53e994cce18ab87fdd25d155544532f |
{oaid} | Yes, in some cases | Android OAID, used to replace IMEI for Android 10 and above | fdcfebbf-5ebb-4958-35fe-cbdf74fd2fb3 |
{oaid_md5} | Yes, in some cases | OAID MD5 encryption (32-bit lower case) | a27d1dda70b946cdb940ead82f01dd63 |
{ua} | Yes, in some cases | Android OAID, used to replace IMEI for Android 10 and above | Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;Android 7.0; Mi-4cBuild/NRD90M; wv)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML, like Gecko)Version0 Chrome/79.0.3945.116 MobileSafari/537.36Mb2345Browser/12.0.1oem |
{os_platform} | No | OS platform from UA | Android |
{os_version} | No | OS platform from UA | 7.0 |
{device_model} | No | Device model from UA | Mi-4c |
{ip} | Yes, in some cases | Required for attribution based on IP + UA | |